Subject Re: [firebird-support] Auto-increment generating old ID's for insertion
Author Mark Rotteveel
On 2-4-2018 14:11, 'Joje' joje@... [firebird-support]
> I have issue where auto-increment of ID column is generating older ID’s
> that is already used in table.
> Currently, my transaction table has around 16 million rows and *ID of
> last inserted row is 16,594,027*.  While the *generator ID its
> 16,593,965*.  As you can see the generator is generating ID’s that is
> already present in table which causes *violation of PRIMARY or UNIQUE
> KEY constraint "INTEG_105"*error on that table.
> I managed to fix this issue, recently I am facing it frequently on this
> transaction table, majority of the tables had number of recor ds are
> more than 2 million or there is connectivity issues with DB.
> Now, I am wondering is this related to Firebird DB or is there any other
> issue.
Which version of Firebird are you using (full version please)?

Do you have code that generates its own IDs? Do you have code that tries
to manipulate the value using `GEN_ID(<seq_name>, -1)` (or another
negative value), `ALTER SEQUENCE seq_name RESTART WITH new_val` or `SET
GENERATOR seq_name TO new_val`? Do you allow your code to specify its
own IDs instead of using the sequence?

It could be a bug in Firebird, but we would really need to see a
reproducible case.

Mark Rotteveel