Subject Re: [firebird-support] CTE query works on fb 2.5 but not on fb 3.0
Author Mark Rotteveel
Your problem has nothing to do with CTEs, you are combining implicit
(SQL-89) joins and explicit (SQL-92) joins, and referencing the
implicitly joined table from the explicitly joined tables. The rules for
these have changed in Firebird 3 to be compliant with the SQL
specification and to avoid hard to diagnose bugs.

See the Firebird 3 release notes: Support for Mixed-Syntax Joins is Gone

Specifically, you need to change:

> from prj_task_dependencies , sucessoras , prj_tasks t
> inner join prj_tasks t_req on t_req.task_id =
> prj_task_dependencies.dependencies_req_task_id
> and t_req.task_status = 0
> inner join prj_tasks t_dep on t_dep.task_id =
> prj_task_dependencies.dependencies_task_id
> and t_dep.task_status = 0
> where prj_task_dependencies.dependencies_task_id =
> sucessoras.task_id
> and t.task_id = sucessoras.task_id


from prj_task_dependencies
inner join sucessoras on prj_task_dependencies.dependencies_task_id =
inner join prj_tasks t on t.task_id = sucessoras.task_id
inner join prj_tasks t_req on t_req.task_id =
prj_task_dependencies.dependencies_req_task_id and t_req.task_status = 0
inner join inner join prj_tasks t_dep on t_dep.task_id =
prj_task_dependencies.dependencies_task_id and t_dep.task_status = 0

Alternatively, you could make all these joins implicit:

from prj_task_dependencies , sucessoras , prj_tasks t, prj_tasks t_req,
prj_tasks t_dep
where prj_task_dependencies.dependencies_task_id = sucessoras.task_id
and t.task_id = sucessoras.task_id
and t_req.task_id = prj_task_dependencies.dependencies_req_task_id and
t_req.task_status = 0
and t_dep.task_id = prj_task_dependencies.dependencies_task_id and
t_dep.task_status = 0

But personally I find that extremely hard to read, and really prefer the
SQL-92 explicit joins.


On 2018-02-01 17:25, Rudi Feijó rudi.feijo@...
[firebird-support] wrote:
> Good afternoon.
> I’ve been assigned to debug a query that was working on 2.5 but stopped
> workin on 3.0.
> As of now I have little information on the context of where this query
> is
> used, but I’m assuming it might be something simple.
> Apparently what’s causing the error is using this FROM sintax with
> multiple
> tables separated by comma (FROM tablea, tableb, tablec).
> I’m assuming that because the error is always thrown on the line
> subsequent
> to the “from” line
> Was there any change to this type of from syntax in firebird 3.0?
> Below is the query. If needed I can create a test gdb with data.
> Thanks in advance
> with recursive sucessoras (task_id) as
> (
> select prj_task_dependencies.dependencies_task_id as
> task_id
> from prj_task_dependencies
> inner join prj_tasks t_req on t_req.task_id =
> prj_task_dependencies.dependencies_req_task_id
> and t_req.task_status = 0
> inner join prj_tasks t_dep on t_dep.task_id =
> prj_task_dependencies.dependencies_task_id
> and t_dep.task_status = 0
> where prj_task_dependencies.dependencies_req_task_id = 98
> union all
> select
> prj_task_dependencies.dependencies_task_id as task_id
> from prj_task_dependencies, sucessoras
> inner join prj_tasks t_req on t_req.task_id =
> prj_task_dependencies.dependencies_req_task_id
> and t_req.task_status = 0
> inner join prj_tasks t_dep on t_dep.task_id =
> prj_task_dependencies.dependencies_task_id
> and t_dep.task_status = 0
> where prj_task_dependencies.dependencies_req_task_id =
> sucessoras.task_id
> )
> select
> distinct(sucessoras.task_id) ,
> t.idbpo_proc,
> t.task_name,
> t.task_project as idclienteprojeto,
> t.task_constraint,
> t.task_constraint_date,
> t.task_baseline_start as THIS_TASK_BASELINE_START,
> t.task_baseline_end as THIS_TASK_BASELINE_END,
> cast(t.task_baseline_start as time) as
> cast(t.task_baseline_end as time) as
> t.recorrencia_semanal_domingo,
> t.recorrencia_semanal_segunda,
> t.recorrencia_semanal_terca,
> t.recorrencia_semanal_quarta,
> t.recorrencia_semanal_quinta,
> t.recorrencia_semanal_sexta,
> t.recorrencia_semanal_sabado,
> (select max(t_req.task_baseline_end)
> from prj_task_dependencies td
> inner join prj_tasks t_req on t_req.task_id =
> td.dependencies_req_task_id
> and t_req.task_status = 0
> inner join prj_tasks t_dep on t_dep.task_id =
> td.dependencies_task_id
> and t_dep.task_status = 0
> where td.dependencies_task_id = sucessoras.task_id) as
> from prj_task_dependencies , sucessoras , prj_tasks t
> inner join prj_tasks t_req on t_req.task_id =
> prj_task_dependencies.dependencies_req_task_id
> and t_req.task_status = 0
> inner join prj_tasks t_dep on t_dep.task_id =
> prj_task_dependencies.dependencies_task_id
> and t_dep.task_status = 0
> where prj_task_dependencies.dependencies_task_id =
> sucessoras.task_id
> and t.task_id = sucessoras.task_id