Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Server crash when no more space for the database
2018. 11. 07. 8:51 keltezéssel, hvlad@...
[firebird-support] írta:
>>   There should be no crash. Errors - yes, crash - no.
>> Attached log is truncated and i see no message about crash there.

> The firebird.log not exists when started the OLTP. My second message
> contains the whole firebird.log which available after fbserver.exe
> terminated.

The last lines i see inyour message is:

PC (Server) Tue Nov 06 14:10:32 2018
Error extending file "R:\FB_OLTP\OLTP25.FDB" by <br/><br/>(Message over 64 KB, truncated)
