Subject Fwd: [firebird-support] Re: Firebird 3.0.4 unicode_ci_ai index problems
Author Analitico

I found that if  I add the a extra field in the index like the pk and make the index unique it works fine. Is expected to work fine even with the bug that you refer ?

A segunda, 15/10/2018, 22:53, hvlad@... [firebird-support] <> escreveu:

  The problem is that multy-level collations can't be used for full match in indices.

  If you need details, search fb-devel for thread "UNICODE case/accent insensitive bugs" started at 10 Jun 2009.
See also CORE-2457

  As a workaround, you might try to use two single-segment indices instead of one multy-segment.
