Subject Re: [firebird-support] Firebird 3 crashes ( terminated abnormally (4294967295) )
Author Helen Borrie
> I’ve been having quite a few crashes on a new server with not much databases
> or requests. terminated abnormally (4294967295)

> It seems to be very random, there are not many different operations going
> on.


> It’s a google cloud Windows vm, I’ve checked for hardware / driver problems
> but it seems to be ok.

> Firebird 3 Super

> Conf :

> ServerMode = Super

> DefaultDbCachePages = 50000

*EACH DATABASE* will be consuming up to (50000 * page size) on cache.
Why do you set DefaultDbCachePages so high???? The Firebird server
needs RAM for more things than just the cache.

Also, check whether you have enough space on disk to take the temp
files. Even on a low-traffic system, one ordered or grouped query on
a long table could easily be too big to store intermediate files in
memory, especially as you are eating so much RAM with your caches.
Those files will go to disk and you simply might not have enough disk
space available.
Note, too, that on a VM it is strongly recommended that you configure
TempDirectories explicitly and not rely on a preconfigured temp or tmp
directory that might be missing or shared by greedy apps.
