Subject RE: [firebird-support] FB in Azure VM?
Author Thomas Kragh

Hej Kjell

I had a look at Azure some time ago, the showstopper for me was the SLA, in order to get 99.95% uptime you had to use availability sets, as Azure would reboot your virtual machine for platform maintenance, and leve the other(s) in the availability sets online. For this to work, Firebird has to provide a Active/passive solution.

However there is now a 99.9% Uptime SLA on single VM’s (


I believe that the planned platform maintenance is exclude from those 99.9% and from what I can read you have to manually move your server single instance VM’s to avoid downtime.



From: []
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2017 12:09
Subject: [firebird-support] FB in Azure VM?




We're considering a move from dedicated server (at a hosting provider)
to hosting "everything" in the cloud, namely Azure.

They don't provide FB as "app as a service", so we're forced to go with
a VM where we maintain our own FB installation, which is not a problem
per se, but means we'll have to manage it more ourselves.

What experiences do you have with deploying FB in an Azure VM or similar?

If I understand MS correctly, they can provide a locally mounted
high-performance disk, but I'm not sure if they can provide mirroring,
e.g. RAID 1.

On our dedicated server we have a local RAID 1 volume (mechanical 10k or
possibly 15k rpm SCSI) for the databse, and make full nightly backups.
Forced writes off. Transaction load isn't very high, but we do need to
be able to execute long-running and "heavy" queries while at the same
time a web app makes short transactions that require short response times.

I'd like to know if you think the cloud VM approach for a FB
installation is viable, any special consideration we should be aware of,

I do know that the wire protocol is not very efficient if the network
latency is high, so you don't have to mention that aspect. I.e. we're
probably better of having both FB and the apps hosted in the same cloud...

But... do you know if this is a problem if FB is in an Azure VM and the
app is hosted in an Azure App Service? Network latency ok in that scenario?


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Kjell Rilbe
Telefon: 08-761 06 55
Mobil: 0733-44 24 64

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Venlig hilsen

Thomas Kragh, Udvikler

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A part of KMD

Stigsborgvej 60, 9400 Nørresundby
E-mail tk@...  Web
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