Subject RE: [firebird-support] remote connection disconnection
Author Thomas Kragh

It is normal for firewalls to kill tcp connections that are idle for some period of time. This has nothing to do with DNS.

You could adjust this idle period in your firewall, however it impossible to control the firewall of clients.


A solution is to use a disconnected model or send dummy requests from the applications to keep the connection active.

Perhaps this link from a quick search provides another solution.



From: []
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2017 15:48
To: firebird-support <>
Subject: [firebird-support] remote connection disconnection



Dear sir/madam,


I am testing Firebird 3.0 in Ubuntu as DB Server.

When application connects DB inside same network, everything works fine.

When application connects DB through Internet (using Dynu DDNS service), connection may lose if there is not operation after period.


I have checked firebird.conf and still not sure which parameter can avoid this issue.

Or this issue is caused from Ubuntu ddclient DDNS service?


Please give any advice to help me.




Best regards,



Venlig hilsen

Thomas Kragh, Udvikler

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