Subject RE: [firebird-support] FBTrace: What are "dyn requests"
Author Leyne, Sean

> I don't know what dyn requests are, Sean, but reading a bit I do find dyn
> mentioned in the Firebird book (page 1028) as well as on page 72 of a
> presentation Pavel did at the Firebird conference 2014. First, the Firebird
> book:
> A byte-encoded language for describing data definition statements.
> Firebird's DSQL subsystem parses DDL statements and passes them to a
> component that outputs DYN for interpretation by the Y valve, another
> subsystem that is responsible for updating the system tables.
> Then Pavel:
> You will never need those unless you're Firebird core developer or GPRE
> user.
> Note: BLR & DYN records could be quite long, so set max_blr_length &
> max_dyn_length trace options accordingly.
> Hence, I figured that DYN is something that I - as a normal user - hopefully
> never need to know much about. Does this answer your question, or are you
> interested in a more technical answer from one of the developers?

So, DYN == DDL


What is it with developers, why can't they make things obvious without need to dig very deep!

It would have taken no effort to have replace "dyn" with "ddl" and had a self-describing config file!

Thanks as always!
