Subject Re: [firebird-support] Basic Start
Author Clyde Eisenbeis
Mark,  Thanks for the info!  I was unaware of this group.  Clyde

On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 7:27 AM, Mark Rotteveel mark@... [firebird-support] <> wrote:

On 2017-03-14 18:32, Clyde Eisenbeis cte677@... [firebird-support]

> I've recently written code using SQLite (C# .NET, using
> System.Data.SQLite) ... decided to try Firebird.
> To install Firebird: Visual Studio 2013 -> File -> New -> Project,
> etc. ---------- then Tools -> Library Package Manager -> Manage NuGet
> Packages -> search "firebird" -> Firebird ADO.NET Data provider ->
> Install (button).
> Resulted in a) References -> FirebirdSql.Data. FirebirdClient, and b)
> FirebirdSql.Data. FirebirdClient.5.8.0 subdir ... with Firebird .dll's.
> 1) Was the the correct procedure?
> 2) Can I create a Firebird database file? ... as I did with SQLite ...
> System.Data.SQLite. SQLiteConnection.CreateFile( stPathFilename) where
> the filename ends with .sqlite.

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