Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Delegating SYSDBA and enumerating users
Thanks Vlad for your replies. In response to your first reply:

a) Yes, I had read "Escalating RDB$ADMIN Scope for User Management" but I appreciate the link and others may too. My users with admin access have already been granted the RDB$ADMIN ROLE.

b) gsec -role - that is great to know the proper gsec syntax to log in using a ROLE. Thanks :).

So I am now getting the same result using gsec. Unfortunately in Flame Robin it is as originally noted: 

Now I have a couple of questions for you:

1. Do you know if it is possible in gsec to log in under a custom ROLE? Further to this, is there a way of GRANTing the custom ROLE the RDB$ADMIN ROLE? I am guessing this isn't possible for 2 reasons; custom ROLE is in a particular DB not the Security2.fdb, and you can't GRANT a ROLE to a ROLE.

2. Do you know how things work via the .NET Provider (or rather why they don't :)? When connecting using SYSDBA I see all users (ie via FirebirdSql.Data.Services.FbSecurity.DisplayUsers()), however logging in using another user (eg your ADM1) and the RDB$ADMIN ROLE, I am still only seeing the the single user ADM1.


On Thursday, February 23, 2017 1:17 AM, "hvlad@... [firebird-support]" <> wrote:

A little sample with Firebird 2.5

I added ordinary users 'user1' and 'user2' and admin user 'adm1'.
Now try to display list of users

1. Use sysdba account:

firebird\bin>gsec -user sysdba -pass masterkey -display
     user name                    uid   gid admin     full name
SYSDBA                              0     0           Sql Server Administrator
USER1                               0     0
USER2                               0     0
ADM1                                0     0 admin

Of course, sysdba could see all users.
You see - adm1 is really admin user while user1 and user2 are not admins.

2. Ordinary users could see itself only:

firebird\bin>gsec -user user1 -pass u1 -display
     user name                    uid   gid admin     full name
USER1                               0     0

3. What about non-sysdba admin ?

firebird\bin>gsec -user adm1 -pass adm1 -display
     user name                    uid   gid admin     full name
ADM1                                0     0 admin

Something wrong ? Let see next sample

4. Specify admin role:

firebird\bin>gsec -user adm1 -pass adm1 -role rdb$admin -display
     user name                    uid   gid admin     full name
SYSDBA                              0     0           Sql Server Administrator
USER1                               0     0
USER2                               0     0
ADM1                                0     0 admin

  Is it what you need ?
