Subject Re: Starting auditing session
---In, <chris@...> wrote :

> I've started looking into Firebird tracing capabilities and there seems to
> be very little documentation on the topic besides the official manual and
> a few commercial applications that are well known.

  Does you read

> I am aware of the "fbtracemgr" utility but I would like to handle things
> myself.

  Good. Note, you need not "auditing" session but usual "user trace" session.
Audit is a bit different, read the docs, please.

> First of all: how do I start a tracing session? Is it a sql command that I
> call like a function or I select from like in a procedure?

  FIrst, you need to know how to work with Services API.
Second, read again

  Also, you can read source code of fbtracemgr

> Second: how do I feed Firebird the tracing session configuration file?
> Does it need to be a "physical" file on the same server as FB or can it be
> read from like STDIN?

  If you read docs, you know that trace configuration is sent as a part of SPB

Hope it helps,