Subject Re: [firebird-support] Migrating a 2.5 server
Author Carlos H. Cantu
Re: [firebird-support] Migrating a 2.5 server Any chances that this database was created in Firebird <= 1.5 32bits, and you installed a 64bits Firebird on Linux?

Databases with old ODS created in FB 32bits cannot be accessed by Firebird 64bits. You must do a backup/restore with gBak.

Migration Guide to Firebird 3

So currently I have firebird 2.5 installed and running on Windows, working fine but performance is a bit slow.
I have installed 2.5 on Ubuntu, and I can connect to the current database with ISQL easily:
connect "\database\database.FDB" user 'SYSDBA' password 'adminpassword';
So I stopped the firebird services on the Windows server, copied the file to the Ubuntu server, and in isql tried to run:
SQL> connect "localhost:/var/lib/firebird/2.5/data/database.FDB" user 'SYSDBA' password 'adminpassword';
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = m
file /var/lib/firebird/2.5/data/database.FDB is not a valid database

Note I have so far tried:
~$ sudo adduser `id -un` firebird
[sudo] password for luke:
The user `luke' is already a member of `firebird'.

As well as
# chown firebird /var/lib/firebird/2.5/data/database.fdb

With no luck, if anyone has any idea as to why I might be getting this error, I would be very grateful :)
I am not sure if Super or Classic was used on Windows, however I have tried using both on Ubuntu with the same error message. Windows server version 2.5.6, same version on Linux

Luke Crooks