Subject RE: [firebird-support] Hiding password step within innosetup
Thanks Sean for your suggestion but which way do I create my own project ?
Sorry I did not explained the whole context. In innosetup script I include FB executable file with my app with the line below and change the SYSDBA password too:

Filename: "{app}\firebird\Firebird-"; Parameters: "/SYSDBAPASSWORD=XXXXXX /SP- /SILENT /NOGDS32 /NOCANCEL /DIR={code:GetServerPath} LOG={app}\install_log.txt / /COMPONENTS=""ServerComponent,ServerComponent\SuperServerComponent,DevAdminComponent,ClientComponent"""; Description: Launch application;StatusMsg: Installation du serveur de base de données;Check: GetParam1

By the pre-created security database  is that mean changing SYSDBA password as I done above ?
Is that enough ?