Subject Re: [firebird-support] FB 2.5 migrate to 3.0
Author Helen Borrie
Saturday, January 7, 2017, 3:02:03 PM, James wrote:

> I am trying to migrate my database from 2.5 to 3.0 now.

> Now I show all my steps&nbs p;I have done for migration procedure.

> 1. Use gbak (FB 2.5) to backup Firebird 2.5 database file.
> 2. Use gbak (FB 3.0) to restore backuped FBK file to a new database file.
> 3. Use isql, to run: SQL> alter user sysdba set password 'masterkey';
> respond: Database: myimport, User: SYSDBA

This alters the user SYSDBA under the default UserManager, which is

> 4. Open new database file in IBExpert, it works.

IBExpert is apparently using the new client library. You don't say
what platform you are on but, if it is Windows, the client library is
fbclient.dll. On Linux, it is

> 5. Run my own applicatoin which works with FB2.5, error message shows below:
> [FireDAC][Phys][FB]Your user name and password are not defined. Ask
> your database administrator to set up a Firebird login.

If your application is connecting via the v.2.5 client library then it
doesn't know about SRP. You'll need to go back to isql and create the
SYSDBA user for the Legacy_UserManager plug-in, viz.,

CREATE USER sysdba PASSWORD 'masterke' USING PLUGIN Legacy_UserManager;

Also look at firebird.conf, to make sure that Legacy_UserManager is
available. This will probably mean changing from the default
settings, if you did not do that previously:

AuthServer = Srp, Legacy_Auth

UserManager = Legacy_UserManager

Don't forget to stop and restart the Firebird server to enable your
config changes.

On the other hand, if you want your application to use the new
security features, make sure that it is loading the FB3 client
library. If the app is 32-bit, you will need the 32-bit client, even
if your server is running 64-bit Firebird.