Subject Re: [firebird-support] gbak error
Author Nick Upson

On 31 August 2016 at 18:16, Steve Wiser steve@... [firebird-support] <> wrote:
Can you show us the permissions of the directory that you are trying to write to?  And also of the database file that you are trying to back up?

​the directory is 777 and the database is 550 owned by firebird​, group unb

And is there an existing fbk that you are trying to overwrite or is it a new file?

​new file​

And what user and group are you using to perform the gbak along with the flags.

​user and group are called unb, the firebird user is also a member of group unb,  gbak -backup -user sysdba -password xxxxx filename


Does anything show up in dmesg that would indicate some kind of I/O error or hard disk starting to go bad?

​no, and its a VM

This was all working and then it didn't, no changes detected anywhere ​

Nick Upson,
Principal Operations Engineer, Telensa Ltd.
Direct +44 (0) 1799 533252, Support Hotline +44 (0) 1799 399200