Subject Re: [firebird-support] Unable to backup production database with gbak and SuperServer 3
I think what is happening is the gbak is trying to access the database using the embedded engine, and it cannot do so because there are other superserver users accessing it via remote access. I think you need to change the gbak sentence to refer to the database as a remote or loopback database, like
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, July 04, 2016 10:31 PM
Subject: [firebird-support] Unable to backup production database with gbak and SuperServer 3



I’m trying to backup my production db using gbak.

I’m running command:

Gbak –v prod.fdb prod.fbk


As result:

gbak: ERROR:I/O error during "lock" operation for file "prod.fdb"

gbak: ERROR:    Database already opened with engine instance, incompatible with current

gbak:Exiting before completion due to errors


I’m using Firebird 3 ( on OpenSuse 13.2 x64

gbak:gbak version LI-V3.0.0.32483 Firebird 3.0


Is there a restriction with backup on SuperServer?





Martin Köditz

it & synergy GmbH