Subject Re: [firebird-support] Users for application
Author Gabriel Frones
You can still see which process is doing what using a single user, though, since the system tables provide you with process name (foo.exe) and ip address for each transaction.

I have the feeling that users are only worth the management cost if you're in a big corporation with a bunch of developers and lots of users connecting to the database. Then you would use roles and privileges appropriately (with a DBA taking care of this, not the developers). But that's just a feeling really, since I've never been in such a scenario.

Em qui, 23 de jun de 2016 às 05:30, Tim Ward tdw@... [firebird-support] <> escreveu:

On 23/06/2016 03:17, 'Daniel Miller' dmiller@... [firebird-support] wrote:

Separate from security theories and considerations of "good practice", what, if any, benefits accrue from using multiple users when accessing a Firebird database?

We have different processes using different users. This means that poking around in the database to see what's going on (performance, long-lived transactions, etc) is a bit easier - we can instantly see which process is doing what, as the users are named after the processes.

Tim Ward