Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: gbak with -se switch?
Author Martijn Tonies (Upscene Productions)
>22.06.2016 12:14, 'Martijn Tonies (Upscene Productions)'
>[firebird-support] wrote:
>> When connected to the database from another application, here:
>> C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_3_0>gbak -b -m -t -v
>> -user sysdba -pas masterkey
>> "e:\temp\2014 FB Conference.fdb" "e:\temp\2014 FB Conference.bak"
> Don't you forget "martijn-ws-dev/3054:" in database connection string?..

This doesn't use the service manager. For the rest, see my original e-mail.

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Upscene Productions