Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Max RAM for Database Cache in SS FB 3.0 64bit is to small?

Hi Vlad,
What I've noticed is that using the latest IBexpert, and configuring the DB cache pages via IBexpert, the limit remains as in FB 2.5, meaning you cannot enter a value above 131071 pages , now I don't know if the bug is on IBExpert, or if Firebird 3.0 rejects the value.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2016 5:03 PM
Subject: [firebird-support] Re: Max RAM for Database Cache in SS FB 3.0 64bit is to small?

> ---In, <dimitr@...> wrote :

>> Setting DefaultDbCachePages more than allowed caused a crashed.

> Try a v3.0.1 snapshot build, IIRC it was fixed recently.

  If you mean CORE-5240 - it was a bug in v 2.5 only, i.e. v3 is not affected
