Subject Re: [firebird-support] Do I need to "recompile" dependant stored procedure?
Author Ann Harrison
On Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 7:24 AM, brucedickinson@... [firebird-support] <> wrote:

I have two procedures:

2. PROC_B - which is using internally PROC_A.

Now, I've made some changes in PROC_A, do I need to recompile PROC_B as well?

That depends on what you've done to PROC_A.  Obviously, if you've changed its parameters,
then yes, you have to change and recompile PROC_B.
If so, what is the shortest way of doing it?

Again, it depends.  The easiest - brute force - way is to shutdown your server ... or at least 
all connections to that database.  Compiled procedures are memory resident and go away on
database shutdown.  If not, I think ALTER is the only alternative.

I am pretty sure I've noticed some bad behaviour of PROC_B if I've left it without recompilation.

You shouldn't if there haven't been changes to the parameters of A.  If you do notice something,
you should report the symptoms and error messages.

Good luck,
