Subject Re: [firebird-support] RECREATE Procedure issue.
Author Joje
I am executing this query using my .net application and it is not throwing any error. If there was a error then it would log that error and will display it to the user.

I executed this query in my third party SQL Manager and it throws an error
Invalid token.
Dynamic SQL Error.
SQL error code = -104.
Unexpected end of command - line 30, column 36.

line number 30 has this statement "DECLARE VARIABLE URL_COUNT INTEGER;"

But the thing to note is that executing same query with ALTER will work. As this query was big and important in order to avoid any mistake i thought it was better to use RECREATE rather than ALTER. As recreate drops previous procedure and creates a new one.

If there is an dependency then firebird should have sent an error to application. Here there was no error as such.

Regarding documentation
On 17-03-2016 23:59, Mark Rotteveel mark@... [firebird-support] wrote:

On 2016-03-17 15:49, Joje joje@...
[firebird-support] wrote:
> Hi All,
>  I am facing a issue with 'RECREATE' procedure.
> Problem:
> I have a stored procedure that uses 'RECREATE Procedure', this
> procedure does not execute properly when executed in EMS SQL manager
> for IB and Firebird.
> Dont know why....... :( every time i execute it. Procedure execution
> stuck as declaration variable whenever using 'RECREATE',

Could you explain what happens: do you get an error, does it hang, or
does it do nothing?

> however when
> I use 'ALTER' procedure gets executed without any error. There is no
> documentation provided in firebird site about 'RECREATE'

But there is:

> Could some tell me whether they have faced issues with 'RECREATE' or
> have fixed this kind of issue.
> Thanks in Advance would appreciate your help in this matter.

You might want to use CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE instead

The difference is that recreate drops and then creates the procedure,
while CREATE OR ALTER creates a procedure if it doesn't exist or
otherwise alters the procedure.
