Subject Re: [firebird-support] Unable to upgrade database to firebird 3.0
Author Helen Borrie
> Recently I upgraded my Firebird from 2.5 to 3.0

> Unsuccessful execution caused by system error that does not
> preclude successful execution of subsequent statements.

> Error loading plugin Engine12.

> Module C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_3_0\plugins/Engine12 exists but cannot be loaded.
> SQL Code: -901
> IB Error Number: 335545004

> Could someone suggest another method to connect to database.

For your existing databases, you MUST upgrade the ODS before
trying to connect Fb 3 to it. That means taking a gbak backup under
Fb 2.5 and restoring it using Fb 3.0 gbak.

Once that is done, you MIGHT be able to connect to the Superserver
using the new protocol for XNET ("Windows local"):


Or go straight to a localhost connection:


I say "MIGHT" because you seem to have more than one compatibility
problem here.

*** Study Chapter 12 of the release notes carefully. ***

Fb 3 is not a point release to update Fb 2.5. It is a whole new major
version. The connection protocols are not the same as previous
versions and you cannot use your old security2.fdb for authentication.

To use your EMS client, you will probably need to copy the correct
fbclient.dll into the same directory as the EMS executable. Make sure
that the "bitness" of fbclient.dll matches that of the EMS
application. For example, if you installed Fb 3 64-bit and the EMS
app is 32-bit then the fbclient.dll in the Fb3 root will not work.
You would need to download the Fb 3 32-bit zip kit and extract the
32-bit client into your EMS folder.
