Subject RE: [firebird-support] Support for OS X 10.11 El Capitan
Author Paul Beach
<<I currently can’t install the latest Firebird CS 2.5.4 with the provided .pkg installer. This may be related to new System
Integrity Protection feature introduced in the latest OS X: . I hear it’s
possible to disable this security feature from OS X but I was wondering if there was a way to install firebird without tampering any
OS settings? I couldn’t find any info of upcoming support for this OS either, nor OS X installer for 3.0 beta and I’m hoping you
haven’t given up with apple completely… :)>>

I am currently using 10.10.5 not 10.11 and I will not be upgrading to
10.11 yet as its only in late RC, but the release date is September 30, 2015
So when it goes GM I guess I get to install it and try and work out whats wrong,
and come up with a solution.

In terms of Firebird 3.0, Firebird compiles on MacOSX, but I have been waiting for
RC1 so all the 64bit txn id code is committed. When RC1 is tagged I will start
work on the MacOSX port and installer.

Currently this is how I install it:
Right Click on the pkg file, and choose open, then select open again
But I guess that mechanism won't work mow because of SIP, I did find this:

The supported way to disable System Integrity Protection in those cases where it’s truly
necessary is to boot into the Recovery partition and turn System Integrity Protection off
from there with the csrutil tool.

$ csrutil
usage: csrutil
Modify the System Integrity Protection configuration. All configuration changes apply to the entire machine.
Available commands:
Disable the protection on the machine. Requires a reboot.
Enable the protection on the machine. Requires a reboot.
Display the current configuration.

The kext-dev-mode and rootless boot-args are being removed from OS X El Capitan and will no longer work.

But reading further the sort of places that are protected are /System, /bin, /sbin and /usr
whilst we install into /Applications/Frameworks... So is there anything when you try to install it, where it
confirms that this is a SIP problem?
