Subject Re: [firebird-support] How safe is to use SS and embedded version in the same time
Author Helen Borrie
At 07:26 p.m. 10/08/2015, 'Mr. John' mr_johnmr@... [firebird-support] wrote:

>Please,any advice there!
>I'm my application I'm using FB superserver for main data.
>I have some local data for application settings,different data (only for read) that can be updated on application update and for that I used some xml but I got couple corruptions,also can't secure it,etc.
> I need something else so I've tough to use FB embeded for that local data only and super server for main data, of course there are different databases for local and main data.
>Is safe to use superserver and embedded version in the same time?

Yes, it is safe to use SS and embedded at the same time. If SS is running and has Database A open, then an embedded connection to Database A will not work. But an embedded connection to Database B will work fine and safely, provided no other application already has an embedded connection to Database B.

And, while your embedded application is connected to Database B, the Superserver will not be able to connect to it.
