Subject Re: [firebird-support] UserNames connected to my database
Author setysvar
>> Hi. I have a problem. I use a Firebird 1.5.6 Server for a lot of applications, 5 databases on the same server.
>> I need to find the number of connection for a single database, and the names of the users. For this i used IBX IBDatabaseInfo->UserNames->Count and IBDatabaseInfo->UserNames->Strings[i], in Builder C++.
>> The problem is if i have started a lot of application, the number of connections is the TOTAL connections to the SERVER, not only for my database. I have only one connection to my TIBDatabase, but IBDatabaseInfo->UserNames->Count report 3, with 2 connection to another application, different database!!!
>> Give my a valid solution to find only UserNames connected to my database!!!
> Can't be done in v.1.5, sorry. Firebird users connect to the server, then the server connects them to a database. You could make a log table in each database that records logins and logouts.
> From v.2.1, you have the MON$ATTACHMENTS table that you can query. It works only with databases of ODS 11.1.
> Coming in Firebird 3 is the ability to have a dedicated security database for each database - even to embed a security database inside a user database.
Are you sure this is impossible, Helen? We used Fb 1.5 way after its
"best before" date (upgraded only a year or two ago), and I'm almost
certain I used IB_SQL to verify no-one was connected to the database of
interest before doing DDL (though you made me doubt, I'm no longer 100%
certain the databases were on the same server, we had at least two
Firebird servers).

This link indicates that using the
services API with SuperServer it is possible to find active connections,
but it doesn't say anything about it being per database or not.
