Subject RE: [firebird-support] Cast as Numeric without parenthesis
Author Rand Random
Only the negative range goes to 2147483648 and you used positive value which is ranged till 2147483647,
so this should work
SELECT CAST('-2147483648' as numeric) FROM RDB$DATABASE
SELECT CAST('-2147483648' as numeric(9,0)) FROM RDB$DATABASE


Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2015 10:05:17 +0100
Subject: RE: [firebird-support] Cast as Numeric without parenthesis

I would expect numbers in the range -2147483648 to +2147483647 to be accepted (the size of an integer), and then there’s a separate field for storing whether things are shifted to the left or right. I’ve no experience or theoretical knowledge confirming this, but your examples would fit such a description. Hence, I would guess NUMERIC to default to NUMERIC(9, 0).

I've confirmed that

SELECT CAST('2147483647' as numeric) FROM RDB$DATABASE
SELECT CAST('2147483647' as numeric(9,0) FROM RDB$DATABASE

both are accepted, whereas

SELECT CAST('2147483648' as numeric) FROM RDB$DATABASE
SELECT CAST('2147483648' as numeric(9,0) FROM RDB$DATABASE

are rejected.
