Subject Re: [firebird-support] Firebird SQL Classic-Server 2.5.3 in OSX 10.10.2
Author René Colombe
hi paul,

thank you for help.

i have did:

launchctl unload org.firebird.gds.plist
launchctl load org.firebird.gds.plist

bevor your mail and again after your mail.
but this cant fix the problem then my failure was based on a mistake of the real function of the /etc/services file.

the original line in /etc/services looks like :
gds_db          3050/udp    # gds_db
gds_db          3050/tcp    # gds_db

and many lines lower i have set my own entries:
gds_db          5143/udp    # gds_db (buhl)
gds_db          5143/tcp    # gds_db (buhl)

but without disabling (comment) the upper entries.

so in my /etc/services was the gds_db enries „doubled“ set.
wow, this was the failure!

no it works as expected.

i have meant bevore, all entries in this file can simple set or changed as needed.
but because the upper entries was processed earlier,
(maybe) the lower entries was ignored then.

is this a special design from firebird?


Am 04.03.2015 um 13:58 schrieb 'Paul Beach' pabeach@... [firebird-support] <>:

I am on 10.10.2 and the instructions below worked for me without a problem...
I saw the port number switching from 3050 -> 3051

But you must:
launchctl unload org.firebird.gds.plist
launchctl load org.firebird.gds.plist
after changing the port no.


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: 04 March 2015 01:39
Subject: Re: [firebird-support] Firebird SQL Classic-Server 2.5.3 in OSX 10.10.2

hi paul,

thank your for help.

bevore my question i have changed the /etc/service file to this:

gds_db 5143/udp # gds_db (buhl)
gds_db 5143/tcp # gds_db (buhl)

(without „/„ like the other entrys in this file)

since this, firebird has stpped/started many times (reloading,reboot)
but firebird seems to ignore the etc/service file on my system. (?)

any other suggestions for osx 10.10. ?


Am 03.03.2015 um 11:47 schrieb 'Paul Beach' pabeach@... [firebird-support] <>:

The following will work.

cd /etc

vi services

gds_db 3051/udp
gds_db 3051/tcp

for example.

cd /Library/LaunchDaemons

launchctl unload org.firebird.gds.plist
launchctl load org.firebird.gds.plist

isql>connect 'localhost:/Users/whome/databases/test.fdb' user 'whoever' password 'whatever';

in another terminal window:

lsof -i:3051


> I am using firebird sql classic-server 2.5.3 under mac osx 10.10.2
> How can i change the remote-service-port (standard is 3050) to another one?
> i know, in windows and linux this setting is managed by an entry in „firebird.conf"
> in osx there is also a „firebird.conf" in /Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/A/Resources/English-lproj/var/
> but changes in this file:
> RemoteServiceName = gds_db
> RemoteServicePort = 5143
> have no result in firebird. the port is the same as before (3050)
> i have read the readme-file (firebird.conf.txt) in /Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/A/Resources/doc
> But i only found this in „Darwin“ section:
> "Darwin on the other hand first checks the environment variable FIREBIRD.
> If not found, it [... John, please describe the „bundle" stuff here].
> As a last resort it too falls back to "/usr/local/firebird“.“
> It seems that this section is not complete written by the author.
> I have searched in internet many times for help but i have not found a answer for this „problem“.
> (with the right knowledege not really a problem)
> in osx i have found two other files they are maybe used for configuring firebird.
> „org.firebird.gdl.plist" and "StartupParameters.plist"
> but both file has other syntax so i cant adopt the settigs from firebird.conf to this files.
> these files are:
> /Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/A/Resources/FirebirdSS/StartupParameters.plist
> {
> Description = "Firebird SQL Database server";
> Provides = ("Firebird Server");
> Requires = ("DirectoryServices");
> Uses = ("Disks", "NFS");
> OrderPreference = "None";
> }
> and:
> /Library/LaunchDeamons/org.firebird.gdl.plist
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
> <plist version="1.0">
> <dict>
> <key>Disabled</key>
> <false/>
> <key>EnvironmentVariables</key>
> <dict>
> <key>PATH</key>
> <string>/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/
> </dict>
> <key>InetdCompatibility</key>
> <dict>
> <key>Wait</key>
> <false/>
> </dict>
> <key>InitGroups</key>
> <true/>
> <key>Label</key>
> <string>org.firebird.gds</string>
> <key>OnDemand</key>
> <true/>
> <key>ProgramArguments</key>
> <array>
> <string>/Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/Resources/bin/fb_inet_server</string>
> </array>
> <key>Sockets</key>
> <dict>
> <key>Listeners</key>
> <dict>
> <key>SockFamily</key>
> <string>IPv4</string>
> <key>SockServiceName</key>
> <string>gds_db</string>
> <key>SockType</key>
> <string>stream</string>
> </dict>
> </dict>
> <key>UserName</key>
> <string>firebird</string>
> </dict>
> </plist>
> How can i configure the remote-service-port (standard is 3050) to another one?
> Thank You
> Regards
> René
> [colombe] computer und medien