Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: CrossTab Select
Author Thomas Beckmann
Hard to help, when there's no question...

Looking back the thread, you got some answers but did not relate on them
in your following questions.


sum(iif(extract(weekday from t.DATAB) = 0, PRODUTO, 0)) as W0,
sum(iif(extract(weekday from t.DATAB) = 1, PRODUTO, 0)) as W1,
sum(iif(extract(weekday from t.DATAB) = 2, PRODUTO, 0)) as W2,
sum(iif(extract(weekday from t.DATAB) = 3, PRODUTO, 0)) as W3,
sum(iif(extract(weekday from t.DATAB) = 4, PRODUTO, 0)) as W4,
sum(iif(extract(weekday from t.DATAB) = 5, PRODUTO, 0)) as W5,
sum(iif(extract(weekday from t.DATAB) = 6, PRODUTO, 0)) as W6
from TABELAB t
where t.DATAB between date '23.06.2014' and date '28.06.2014'

what you expect (if you add HORA, you'll need to group by the other


Am 19.08.2014 21:36, schrieb sremulador@... [firebird-support]:
> Help my frields!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thomas Beckmann

Wielandstraße 14c • 23558 Lübeck
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