Subject Re: [firebird-support] gds32.dll failed to load ODBC32+FB64+App32
Author Helen Borrie
At 06:29 p.m. 21/07/2014, Thomas Beckmann thomas.beckmann@... [firebird-support] wrote:
>Hi Bhavbhuti,
>ASAIK, 32bit ODBC-driver can connect to 32bit Firebird only.

Not so. The ODBC driver is part of the client layering. He needs to place the 32-bit Firebird client library in the path where the driver expects to find it.

Bhavbhuti wrote:

>The situation is as follows:
>64 bit i5 processor
>64 bit Win7 OS
>32 bit Visual FoxPro app
>Thus I have to use 32 bit FireBird ODBC driver
>64 bit FireBird server

If you are running the 32-bit layers on the same box as the 64-bit server then you must give the application layer the explicit path to the 32-bit fbclient.dll. You will find a copy of the 32-bit fbclient.dll in the folder WOW64 in your 64-bit Firebird installation. If you need it named gds32.dll then rename it manually.

Helen Borrie, Support Consultant, IBPhoenix (Pacific)
Author of "The Firebird Book" and "The Firebird Book Second Edition"