Subject Re: Firebird 2.5 connection issue
Author Virgo Pärna
On 17 Jul 2014 22:02:59 -0700, agus_delanda@... [firebird-support] <> wrote:
> FbConnection conn = new FbConnection(@"Server=172.X.XX.XX;User=SYSDBA;Password=masterkey;Database=D:\ng\DATA\CUSTOMER.FDB");
> But I get the following error:
> I/O error during "CreateFile (open)" operation for file "D:\NG\DATA\CUSTOMER.FDB"
> -Error while trying to open file
> -The system cannot find the file specified

According to the error, there is not databse file "D:\NG\DATA\CUSTOMER.FDB" in the
server computer. Recheck the location and file name.

Virgo Pärna