Subject Re: [firebird-support] Timestamp in Firebird 2.5.2
Author Mark Rotteveel
On 15 Jul 2014 13:02:45 -0700, "dixonepperson@...
<> wrote:
> My web database is on a virtual machine, separate from the web server.
> One of the task the web server does when a page is visited is log that
> the database
> On an admin page, also web based I can view the visit which is time
> stamped.
> Here is the problem.
> When I launch the web admin page and view the visit the time stamp is 4
> hours off.
> However, if I remote into the virtual machine and run a simple select
> query on the visitlog, the time stamp is correct. (EST - daylight)
> Then if I close the browser, reopen and run the admin page again, the
> the time stamp is correct.
> To illustrate, here is the scenario
> On web admin page, visit id 4132, timestamp is 11:48:31 am.
> Remote into virtual machine, run select on visit id 4132, time stamp is
> 03:48:31 pm. (which is correct)
> Close admin web page, reopen. Now timestamp in browser for visit id
> 4132 is 03:48:31 pm.
> Can anyone help me understand what is causing this and possibly how to
> fix it?

Firebird time and timestamp do not have a timezone, nor does Firebird
itself do any conversions like this. Any mangling from the timezone happens
in your application. Most likely the web application somewhere decides on a
timezone for handling the request and this varies depending on how you
access (and maybe it gets cached).

11:48 <> 15:48 is a 4 hour difference (assuming the date is the same). EDT
is UTC-4, so your machine occasionally thinks requests need to be
**displayed** as a UTC-8 timezone (eg AKDT, PST).
