Subject [Ticket #402] [firebird-support] Deploy firebird with another password for sysdba user
Author Desarrollo
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On Mar 07, 2014 @ 03:32 pm, ts@... wrote:
> Thanks Helen and Thomas for answers.
> Is it a way to change the password automatically,not manually,that I should do with my application install.

Yes, automatically in a sense to run Firebird's 'gsec' utility during
the installation (in the background). Check out the gsec manual here:

With regards,
Thomas Steinmaurer

* Upscene Productions - Database Tools for Developers

* My Blog

* Firebird Foundation Committee Member

> Thanks
> ________________________________
> From: Helen Borrie<helebor@...>
> To:
> Sent: Monday, November 14, 2011 10:22 AM
> Subject: Re: [firebird-support] Deploy firebird with another password for sysdba user
> At 08:37 PM 14/11/2011, Mr. John wrote:
>> Hi ! We need to deploy firebird server with another password for sysdba user.
>> One solution is replacing security2.fdb during install of our application+server.
>> Is it good solution ?
> It's not a solution.
> Change the SYSDBA password on the installation of the server at the site where you deploy it. Or, if you have regular users in *your* copy of security2.fdb that have permissions in the database (as you SHOULD have) then back up yours and restore it as sometempname.fdb on the new site.
> Then, shut down Firebird, delete the installation copy of security2.fdb, rename the sometempname.fdb version to security2.fdb and then change the SYSDBA password *before* doing anything else.
> ./hb
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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==Ticket History==

On Mar 07, 2014 @ 03:32 pm, mr_johnmr@... wrote:
Thanks Helen and Thomas for answers.
Is it a way to change the password automatically,not manually,that I should do with my application install.


On Mar 07, 2014 @ 03:32 pm, ts@... wrote:
> Hi ! We need to deploy firebird server with another password for sysdba user.
> One solution is replacing security2.fdb during install of our application+server.
> Is it good solution ?
> Thanks !

In addition what Helen said. Also don't use SYSDBA as owner for
databases, database objects like tables, views etc ... Use your own
Firebird user for that. Makes it much easier when deploying at an
existing server installation with possibly no permission for getting
SYSDBA-like information.

With regards,
Thomas Steinmaurer

* Upscene Productions - Database Tools for Developers

* My Blog

* Firebird Foundation Committee Member

On Mar 07, 2014 @ 03:32 pm, mr_johnmr@... wrote:
Hi ! We need to deploy firebird server with another password for sysdba user.
One solution is replacing  security2.fdb during install of our application+server.

Is it  good solution ?
Thanks !

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