Subject Re: [firebird-support] How do I tell if I have Classic/Super/SuperClassic installed?
Author Helen Borrie
At 02:34 p.m. 25/07/2013, red_october2009 wrote:
>Environment: Windows 2008 Servers, FB 2.5x and is definitely running.
>Other places on the web talk about looking at the name of the process that is running. Problem with that is:
>- The Firebird process is not listed in Task Manager
>- The Firebird service is not listed in services, only guardian
>- I may have installed SuperClassic, which many of the other hits in my Google Search don't mention (they're all too old)
>The only SQL I could find was for the version number, not the server architecture.

Open a command window with Run As Administrator privileges and go to the \bin\ folder of your Firebird installation.

Type "instsvc q" (without the quotes) and hit Enter. It will show you the path to the executable that is running as a service. The name of the executable tells you whether it is Superserver (fbserver.exe) or Classic/Superclassic (fb_inet_server.exe). The parameter tells you whether you are running Classic (-c or no parameter) or Superclassic (-s or -m) Note, for SC it should be -m but I have two SC installations here both showing -s so I suspect a benign bug in the instsvc q output.

If you are inspecting Processes, don't forget to enable "Show processes from all users". A default installation of Firebird runs under SYSTEM.

Helen Borrie, Support Consultant, IBPhoenix (Pacific)
Author of "The Firebird Book" and "The Firebird Book Second Edition"