Subject Re: [firebird-support] Forced write
Author Mark Rotteveel
On Thu, 18 Jul 2013 09:20:58 +1200, Helen Borrie <helebor@...>
> At 08:55 a.m. 18/07/2013, rddymanohar wrote:
>>We are on Firebird 1.56 and recently encountered database corruption
>>problem with a customer. Found that forced write was turned off on the
>>database and after the database was restored turned it on. However on
>>checking the next day forced write was again turned off. We do daily
>>sweep, reindex and backup on the database as maintenance at the the eod.
>>Will any of this cause forced write to be turned off.
> None of the above will change the Forced Write setting. However, in the
> very ancient version of Firebird that you are using, a client can do it,
> via the connection API. The very first thing I would recommend is to
> examine closely the connection settings on all client applications.
> A common source of this problem is Delphi applications that provide
> properties and/or arrays of properties in the connection component
> (connection alone, or database component). If this is your case, look
> *both* the property in question (ForcedWrites TRUE/FALSE) and *also* the
> Params property of the connection/database component.

For reference this is fixed since Firebird 2.0.5 / 2.1.2 (around 2009):
