Subject Re: [firebird-support] use of -USE_ALL_SPACE
Author Norman Dunbar
Hi Ann,

I wondered if I would be getting a telling off from you! ;-)

On 01/05/13 16:37, Ann Harrison wrote:
> Unless the code has changed (for the worse) relatively recently, the amount
> of space left depends on the size of the uncompressed record data.
Yup, thanks. I realised that I was talking via the wrong orifice, when I
updated the manual, I reworded it to be less "wrong" than what I posted
here. I must remember to engage brain before typing.

> ...
>> Subject to the same caveat, once a database has been created with
> USE_ALL_SPACE, new records will be stored on pages without leaving
> extra room.
Ah! Now that's interesting. I need to update the manual again. This
implies that when this switch is used, some flag is set somewhere to
tell the system to leave no space? I assume that this is
"hdr_no_reserve" in the first page of the database.

Thanks for that, I'll do some more updating.


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

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