Subject Re: [firebird-support] Pre and Post snapshot script that quiesces the Firebird Database
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
> In order to guarantee a 'live' DB is backed up in a consistant state, we need to make sure it is quiesced at backup time.
> We need to configure the Storagecraft ShadowProtect backup job to run a pre-snapshot script that quiesces the Firebird Database, followed by a post-snapshot script that brings the DB backup out of this state.
> Can anyone provide these scripts or tell us where they could be downloaded.
> The version of Firebird we are running is

Why aren't you using gbak, which allows to run backups on a live
database. No need to turn the database into an exclusive mode.

You then can use your backup software to pickup the backup file

With regards,
Thomas Steinmaurer (^TS^)
Firebird Technology Evangelist

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