On 18 Dec 2013 13:14:07 -0800, <
hvlad@...> wrote:
>>> Besides the documented limitation that passwords are 8 characters
>>> (Firebird 3 will lift that limitation), the connection protocol is not
>>> encrypted meaning that people can sniff the traffic and determine the
>>> password.
>> Password is never passed over the wire in open form. It is encrypted by
>> client...
> Yes, but that is still susceptible to a replay attack, so the fact that it
> is encrypted doesn't actually matter for someone with the will and means,
You said above that *password* could be determined by sniffer. This is not true and i said it.
I said nothing more.
and of course several alternative wire protocol implementations (eg
Jaybird) don't actually encrypt the password.
So, people should not use such "alternative wire protocol implementations" if
they do not want to send clear passwords over the wire.