Subject Re: [firebird-support] Can non-sysdba really alter users?
Author Tomasz Tyrakowski
On 2012-09-17 16:23, Thomas Steinmaurer wrote:
> Look here:

Yep, that looks exactly like my case. Unfortunately, I'm not able to
re-create users by hand because of the scale of the problem (and because
I don't know their passwords, and resetting them means me looking for
another job ;) ).

> But, I can't find the mentioned upgrade sql script whether in 2.5.1 nor
> in 2.5.2.

Neither do I. There's only the standard pre-2.0-to-2.0 security upgrade
script. If there is such script available and someone could post a link
to it, please please do.
There's one more thing I've tried. I copied security2.fdb to a new
location and connected to it. Then I dumped the contents of RDB$USERS as
inserts (via FlameRobin) and tried to insert the users into a fresh
security2.fdb taken from a clean 2.5.1 installation. To my surprise, the
very first insert failed with "string truncation..." error. It turned
out the encrypted passwords in my "old" security database were 80
characters long, while the field RDB$PASSWD in the new security2.fdb is
varchar(64). What's really surprising is that in my _OLD_ security DB
this field is also varchar(64) (according to FlameRobin) and it stores
80-char strings without complaints.
So, finding a way to transfer users (with passwords) from an existing
security2.fdb to a new one would also be helpful in solving my problem.
If anyone has tried that and succeeded, please post some hints.

And thank you Thomas for finding this news post - your googling seems
better than mine ;)


__--== Tomasz Tyrakowski ==--__
__--== SOL-SYSTEM ==--__
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