Subject Re: [firebird-support] Can non-sysdba really alter users?
Author Tomasz Tyrakowski
On 2012-09-17 13:07, Thomas Steinmaurer wrote:

> Perhaps it might be related to CORE-3398, but I'm not sure. Any chance
> to give 2.5.1 or 2.5.2 RC1 a try?


Thanks a lot for the suggestion. Looks like there's something wrong with
my security2.fdb (it was upgraded from previous versions of FB). In a
fresh 2.5.1 installation everything worked fine. However, after I had
restored my old security DB on 2.5.1, the error started to appear again.
I've backed up security2.fdb with my 2.5.0 gbak, then installed FB 2.5.1
and restored the security to a different file, and finally overwritten
the 2.5.1 security2.fdb with the resored file (while making sure FB is off).
Is there something more I can do to have my security db in order?
Starting with a clean security DB is not an option (about 50 servers in
different companies, dozens of users on each server).


__--== Tomasz Tyrakowski ==--__
__--== SOL-SYSTEM ==--__
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