Subject RES: [firebird-support] Re: How to list the tables and field wich use the primary key from one table as FK
Author Fabiano
Try a program named memtest86

It runs at system startup and detects defective memory modules.

As you have minor corruption problems it appears to be a memory problem.

Maybe a F8 in windows initialization have a memory test program too.

[] Em nome de harveypekkar
Enviada em: terça-feira, 31 de julho de 2012 10:33
Assunto: [firebird-support] Re: How to list the tables and field wich use
the primary key from one table as FK

Very nice ! the script list exactly what I need , thank you very much .
About the influence about dev team I agree too , but they keep saying that
the corruption problem do not come from update or new script , another
problem is that our new deployement system work with patch , before we did
backup/restore for each major update , that was a little constraint but
there was less errors , at least corruption problem were discover before
going too big .
I hope to find someday the cause of corruption with no doubt about it source
, for now i am not experienced enough to do this , I keep working on my
repair tool and after that maybe I will find out why .

Many thank for your help and Alan too , have a nice day .
regards ,

--- In
<> , Svein Erling Tysvær
<svein.erling.tysvaer@...> wrote:
> >I think you are 100 % right , the problem is that i am not working in the
developpement team but in customer
> >support , I suspect some software update to cause the problem but I have
no access on that , the only thing I can
> >do is to try to repair the best way for my client and I can't only
validate and mend , I have also to put back the
> >records from a backup with new ID or the problem will not be solve
completely .
> >
> >We have about 500 servers too, the structure is from 2 up to 20 clients ,
little workgroup under windows XP and 7
> >
> >I don't think the problem concern the firebird side , I know it's very
> You also ought to try to influence your development team somehow.
Normally, it would not be OK for you to have 100 corruptions (assuming an
average of 2 per week) when Alan hasn't experienced any corruption at all.
Hardware problems and faulty UDFs used to be ways to make Firebird fail.
> The following may or may not help you:
> select i.rdb$relation_name, iseg.rdb$field_name
> from rdb$relation_constraints rec
> join rdb$ref_constraints rfc on rec.rdb$constraint_name =
> join rdb$relation_constraints rec2 on rfc.rdb$const_name_uq =
> join rdb$index_segments iseg2 on rec2.rdb$index_name =
> join rdb$indices i2 on rec2.rdb$index_name = i2.rdb$index_name
> join rdb$indices i on rec.rdb$index_name = i.rdb$index_name
> join rdb$index_segments iseg on rec.rdb$index_name = iseg.rdb$index_name
> where i2.rdb$relation_name = :MyTableName
> and iseg2.rdb$field_name = :MyPKFieldName
> It is not tested, I know it does prepare and that it is possible to get
some results, but I don't know if they are correct or complete (I'm assuming
one field for each primary key).
> HTH,
> Set

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