Subject SV: [firebird-support] FB on Linux installation question
Author Poul Dige
Hi Fabiano,

We tried 2.5.1 SC on Ubuntu 11. We had quite strange experience with the FB-server constantly crashing (every 20 minutes or so) with anything from 40-150 connections, AFAIR. No data corruption, but lots of annoyed customers. We switched to W2k8 and the problem was gone. I'd love to find out what went wrong but we were in no position to "experiment" as it was production environment, so it just had to work. Unfortunately, as I'd prefer to run it under Linux.

I don't say that you will experience the same, but do be aware if it happens!

Best regards

Fra: [] På vegne af Fabiano
Sendt: 23. juli 2012 15:17
Emne: [firebird-support] FB on Linux installation question

Hi all.

A new customer Will use a Linux machine to run the Firebird server. Actually
he will be the first customer to do that.

I have read that (at last with FB 1.5 to 2.0) the linux kernel need to be
2.4.x to run Classic with a lot of connections.

This issue also occurs on FB 2.5.1 Classic?

Another tip is that writes on ext4 file system is slower than ext3 if
'barrier' was ON. I can figure out the best file system to this customer.
Ext4 with/without barrier or ext3? The best for me is stability, I don't
want to easily corrupt my database on a fast partition. (power down
problems, etc).

What are the best fast/secure balanced partition type?

And finally - forced writes. I read that this configuration works on Linux
with FB 2.5.x. What is the best configuration?

It someone have any tips of software installation on linux and maybe
hardware please fells free to answer.

Thanks, Fabiano.

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