Subject Re: Server
Author Michael Vilhelmsen
Using this Firebird version

> I have a server running windows 2003 32 bits.
> On this server Firebird 2.1 32 bits is running.

I have to find out, what kind of SQL this company is actually doing.
Can I implement some logic directly on the DB, so I can log and save the SQL? In an easy way?


--- In, "Michael Vilhelmsen" <Michael.Vilhelmsen@...> wrote:
> I have a server running windows 2003 32 bits.
> On this server Firebird 2.1 32 bits is running.
> A few months ago we opened up for an external company, so they could gain access to the DB.
> In this DB I have made som database triggers, which basicly just inserts a record when they connect, disconnet, start, commit and rollback a transaction.
> There connection will do this (Using user WEBESCON):
> WEBESCON Commit Trans 6/6/2012 2499515 1735.774
> WEBESCON Login 6/6/2012 859 0.59
> WEBESCON Logout 6/6/2012 858 0.595
> WEBESCON Start Trans 6/6/2012 2499516 1735.775
> WEBESCON Commit Trans 6/7/2012 657036 456.275
> WEBESCON Login 6/7/2012 232 0.161
> WEBESCON Logout 6/7/2012 231 0.160
> WEBESCON Start Trans 6/7/2012 657035 456.274
> These are the number of connect(Login), disconnect(Logout) and transactions.
> As you can see they are connecting/disconnection some 1700+ times each minute duing the entire day. In my eyes its an total overkill.
> Here you can see an average of our own users (which are actually serviceprograms running).
> DWIUSER Commit Trans 6/6/2012 32384 22.48
> DWIUSER Start Trans 6/6/2012 18054 12.53
> DWIUSER Commit Trans 6/7/2012 8297 5.761
> DWIUSER Start Trans 6/7/2012 4347 3.018
> ESCONSERVICE Commit Trans 6/6/2012 607 0.421
> ESCONSERVICE Login 6/6/2012 286 0.198
> ESCONSERVICE Logout 6/6/2012 286 0.198
> ESCONSERVICE Start Trans 6/6/2012 607 0.421
> ESCONSERVICE Commit Trans 6/7/2012 171 0.118
> ESCONSERVICE Login 6/7/2012 79 0.054
> ESCONSERVICE Logout 6/7/2012 79 0.054
> ESCONSERVICE Start Trans 6/7/2012 171 0.118
> This morning (and some 10-12 times more the last 3-4 days) the server died with this:
> DBSRV03 (Server) Thu Jun 07 06:06:02 2012
> Database: ThreadData::start() failed:
> operating system directive _beginthreadex failed
> Not enough storage is available to process this command.
> Which I believe is "out of memory" problem.
> Is it correct to believe that they can cause this to happen?
> This server and customer has been running with Firebird sinse version 1.00 (some 9 years) without any problems. All problems has begun after the new company has started to connect.
> Michael