Subject Re: [firebird-support] OIT / NT
Author (no author)
Nothing special. The same app, with the same database, the same amount of activity, works correctly for the same company , from a different location. No bulk data, nu threads ...

I am wondering if maybe some troyan sends spam packets to the server, from this system, on port 3050.


From: Dmitry Kuzmenko
Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2012 3:43 PM
Subject: Re: [firebird-support] OIT / NT

Hello, Tiberiu!

Friday, March 30, 2012, 12:13:06 PM, you wrote:

TH> which) somehow foods my server. While this client is using my
TH> software, somehow the gap between OIT and NT increases 200 transactions each 5 seconds. I

Other people noted lot of things, but I want to ask - what do you do
in the application, that it generates 40 transactions per second?
I mean, it's some kind of robot, inserting bulk data, or it is a
human, typing data with non-human speed?

Firebird does not generates transactions, so, all these transactions
are coming only from your application.

Dmitry Kuzmenko,

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