Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Why it's soo slow ? it's just a very simple select ...
Author Benno
Hi Rick,

I have seen a lot of mails from you passing in this list, regarding your database and the way you use it (transactions use etc). Looking at the size you write about, I guess it is a database in a professional environment.

If I were you I would spend a few dollars and consult one of the guru's to have a look at your database together with you. Using internet and tools like Teamviewer that should be easy manageable and I believe there are some Firebird people in France also.

My experience is that spending a couple of hundred dollars on a specialist takes away a lot of frustration, is a fast learning experience since you learn from them and helps your project move forward with a multitude of your investment.


----- Original Message -----
From: nathanelrick
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2012 8:13 PM
Subject: [firebird-support] Re: Why it's soo slow ? it's just a very simple select ...

no one have any explanation ?

what i don't understand is that in select IDObj From DESCRIPTION where ID='ID_NOT_EXIST' the speed is slow when no record are founded (so the number of field/size in table Description must not matter, only the size of the index) ! but it's not the case, i do several test to confirm it ....

so it's mean that the data of the index is stored INSIDE the page of the reccord ??

--- In, "nathanelrick" <nathanelrick@...> wrote:
> Dear Mark,
> > Quite simple: with a field of VARCHAR(10000) on 8K pages it needs to read
> > at least two pages if the VARCHAR is filled for over 80%, for smaller
> > VARCHARs there is still a relatively high chance it will need to read 2
> > pages. For page sizes of 16K this is less, but still relatively high
> > (especially if the field is filled for a large percentage). If there are
> > multiple record versions that need to be processed even more pages need to
> > be read. Reading more pages => more IO => more time.
> YEs this i understand, but what i don't understand is that in my select (select IDObj From DESCRIPTION where ID='ID_NOT_EXIST') the speed is the same ! :( here normally no data page must be read (because no row was found), only page used by the index must be read ?
> I also try with blob, unfortunatly nothing change, just a little little (around 10%) more faster with blob :(
> >
> > BTW: Try to use BLOBs instead of VARCHAR(10000), it might reduces this
> > problem
> >
> > Mark
> >

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