Subject Re: Unavailable database
Author ifitsx
> Try:
> isql "localhost:C:\Program Files
> (x86)\Firebird\Firebird_1_5\examples\employee.fdb" -user sysdba -password masterkey
> ./heLen

Helen, and Thomas,

Thanks for your help. I was able to use that concept to access the example db and one of my problem database files.

However, when I start the windows (DXE2) program that has been running it, I still get the same error message: "Could not start <my program>. Make sure database is located properly."

I had tried deleting the username and password and key storage properties from the object inspector, recompiling, and then restoring them but that did not help.

I'm also getting the same Delphi error message from another app which is still under D7.

Perhaps I need to explore a 'restore point?'
