Subject Re: [firebird-support] How would Firebird handle this.
Author Werner F. Bruhin
On 27/12/2012 02:12, Andrew Gable wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Just a quick question. I have 5 font end terminals connected to a
> firebird 2.1 server
> how would it handle say all the front end apps updating the same record
> eg a item 1001 is sold on the front ends and when the transaction is
> done the front ends find the product and does current stock -1 and
> then does a update on the record to save the new stock level into the
> database
> is this fine or is there something better I can do so the records do
> not get corrupted
> thanks (I know it is a daft question but I've never had more then 2
> machines on the server)
Wanted to read up on this again, currently use FB in single user mode
(embedded) but working on a project where this could be an issue for me too.

So, followed Leonardo's advice, but added a word ;-) - i.e. googling on
"transaction isolation levels firebird" gives quite a few good links.

Just a few I found interesting:


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