Subject RES: [firebird-support] Re: Problem slow sorting/distinct in Firebird
Author Fabiano
Try this:

SELECT FIRST 30 SKIP 0 tr.NodePosition, tr.IdLink, tr.IdTargetLink,
FROM Tree3 tr
inner join article3_1 art on art.idarticle = Tr.iditem
tr.NODELEVEL =5 and tr.LINKTYPE <> 5 and tr.ItemType = 2 AND tr.Market1 = 1
(lower(coalesce(art.Artikelnummer , '') || ';'
|| coalesce(art.Artikelnr_leverancier, '') || ';'
|| coalesce(art.Artikelnaam1, '') || ';'
|| coalesce(art.Artikelnaam2, '') || ';'
|| coalesce(art.MERK, '') || ';'
|| coalesce(art.EAN, '') || ';'
|| coalesce(art.ALTARTNR1, '') || ';'
|| coalesce(art.ALTARTNR2, '')

) like '%a4%')

AND (lower(coalesce(art.Artikelnummer , '') || ';'
|| coalesce(art.Artikelnr_leverancier, '') || ';'
|| coalesce(art.Artikelnaam1, '') || ';'
|| coalesce(art.Artikelnaam2, '') || ';'
|| coalesce(art.MERK, '') || ';'
|| coalesce(art.EAN, '') || ';'
|| coalesce(art.ALTARTNR1, '') || ';'
|| coalesce(art.ALTARTNR2, '')

) like '%papier%')

group by tr.NodePosition, tr.IdLink, tr.IdTargetLink, tr.IdItem

Finally create na índex on Tree3 table with the fields: NodePosition,
IdLink, IdTargetLink, IdItem

I think you do not need a forced “order by” clause because it is implicitly
formed as a group by.

Measure time, then drop this index and create another on fields: iditem,
NodePosition, IdLink, IdTargetLink, IdItem

One of these Will perform a better performance.

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