Subject Re: [firebird-support] How to find the firebird version number in a GDB or FDB file ?
Author Dmitry Kuzmenko
Hello, Mikey!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012, 8:42:37 PM, you wrote:

M> I've got a GDB file build by a Firebird application.

"I've got" - interesting...

M> I don't know the version of Firebird used with this database file...
M> Is there a way to know it with the GDB or FDB file ?

Firebird and InterBase have OnDisk Sructure version (ODS),
that can be seen with
gstat -h db.gdb

Version ODS
InterBase 4.0/4.1 8.0/8.1
InterBase 4.2 8.2
InterBase 5.0/5.1 9.0
InterBase 5.5/5.6 9.1
InterBase 6.0, Firebird 1.0 - 10.0
Firebird 1.5 10.1
InterBase 7.0 11.0
InterBase 7.1 11.1
InterBase 7.5 11.2
Firebird 2.0 11.0 adds x8000 to ODS number not to conflict
with InterBase ODS
Firebird 2.1 11.1
Firebird 2.5 11.2
InterBase 2007 12.0
InterBase 2009 13.1
InterBase XE, XE3 15.0

Dmitry Kuzmenko,