Subject Re: [firebird-support] Please change my email address
Author Mark Rotteveel
On 16-11-2012 02:38, Helen Borrie wrote:
> At 11:17 AM 16/11/2012, jeh3383@... wrote:
>> Gentlemen (and ladies)
>> Please change my email delivery address from: jeh3383@...
>> to: entropyisreal@...
>> Thanks so much.
> I'm the owner/moderator of these lists and I can't change your email address: that relationship exists between you and Yahoo.
> Just unsubscribe from the list using your old email address and re-subscribe using the new one. Post a simple message using the new email address and I'll get a notification. I'll delete the message and set you up with the appropriate access.

Just so you know: unsubscribing from firebird-support doesn't always
work. When I changed email addresses last year, I unsubscribed my old
email address, but continued to receive e-mails on it. I had to file a
support ticket with Yahoo to get that fixed.

Apparently there is a bug with groups with a large number of
subscribers. They need to manually trigger a rebuild of the subscription
list (or something like that).

I am not sure where I did that, but it was a support page buried deep on
the Yahoo page, and apparently not everyone at Yahoo is aware of the
problem because when I had to do it a second time (different group), the
initial e-mail I received from the support rep didn't know what I was
talking about.

See also
In groups with more than 400 members: Yahoo! Groups uses a “replicated
database” system (for scalability and performance reasons) and sometimes
the system gets out of synch. In these situations, Customer Care can
help you by “resynching” the database.

Mark Rotteveel