Subject RE: [firebird-support] Re: Merge results of recursive CTE with results of non-recursive CTE
Author Svein Erling Tysvær

With Recursive lc as
Select ID from BD_Locality where ID = :ID_Root
Union all
Select ID from BD_Locality, lc where Parent_ID =

RPL (BizType_Description, Loc_Description) as
select BizType_Description, Loc_Description from v_bd_biz_prim where BizType_ID = :BizType_ID
and (Loc_ID = :ID_root or Parent_Loc_ID = :ID_root) and Loc_ID in
(Select ID from lc))

Union all

Select BizType_Description, Loc_Description from V_BD_Biz_Prim
where ID > 0
and BizType_ID = :BizType_ID

Union all

Select BizType_Description, Loc_Description from V_BD_Biz_Sec_OtherUnits
where ID > 0
and BizType_ID = :BizType_ID
Select BizType_Description, Loc_Description, Count(*) as Nr_Records from RPL
Group by BizType_Description, Loc_Description

give you what you're looking for, Nols?

By the way, there are two things I would consider changing. I've never actually seen SQL-89 type JOINs with recursive CTEs before. Moreover, not qualifying the tables, ID is ambiguous (do you mean to select 'lc.ID' or 'bd_locality.ID' after UNION ALL? Of course, semantically, only bd_locality.ID would make any sense, but syntactically it is ambiguous). I'd recommend changing to

With Recursive lc as
Select b1.ID from BD_Locality b1
where b1.ID = :ID_Root
Union all
Select b2.ID from BD_Locality b2
join lc l on b2.Parent_ID =

The other bit is that using IN (subselect) used to be very slow (being executed for every potential row). It has been considerably improved, though I don't know whether it has been fixed in all circumstances. If lc.ID is unique, then consider changing to

select p.BizType_Description, p.Loc_Description
from v_bd_biz_prim p
join lc l on p.Loc_ID = l.ID
where p.BizType_ID = :BizType_ID
and (p.Loc_ID = :ID_root or p.Parent_Loc_ID = :ID_root)
